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To make like Thee ...

What if thou make us able to make like Thee—

To light with moons, to clothe with greenery,

To hang gold sunsets o’er a rose and purple sea! —George MacDonald

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2006 Mid-July to Mid-September... and only two new paintings to show for it. This one I am calling the "Last Farm in Green?" It was painted in two mornings in early August, in the midst of new turmoil that called my husband to the other side of the world. Melissa says it is "bucolic."

I still need to finish "Bridge over the New River" which I started during a 3-day West Virginia getaway. Turmoil followed us there as well. On our last morning, a male drowning victim was found a hundred yards downstream from our campsite; right where I would have painted, had the morning been filled mountain mist. Thankfully, there was no mist to draw me there. The paramedics, police and rangers appreciated this painting, which captured the river at that spot the night before.

Life then revolved around our son and a friend, who had applied for an apartment with plans to attend Kent State. We soon discovered the friend's financial aid wasn't enough for tuition and off-campus living. Two apartments fell though. Instead of moving one out, we moved the friend in! This created some re-adjusting for a week or so!

Now, with a new home routine established, the cooling weather and a new painting website under way, the brushes are calling. I need to finish a few with just a touch or two. I plan to write each painting's needs ahead of time, and stick only to the list. Much like a grocery list keeps me from impulse buying, I hope a fix list will keep me from impulse painting.

Today I received an opportunity for a one-person show in Akron. I'm pushing for hanging it September 25th.

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