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I feel like I'm in a cage ...


I decide to paint today and finish the Ingres redux. But it's Saturday and a zoo all day.

Morning: Patrick is playing the one CD I simply abhor. There is no way I can paint, so I vacuum and do dishes loudly. Then e-mail and phone calls and lunch, after pulling Patrick out of a sulk over our music dispute, which occurred while I was at the computer, wondering aloud when the CD would be over.

Afternoon: I'm finally ready to paint, and my mother-in-law trots in with a catalog. (She lives in the suite we built for her, just off the living room. She is the main character in my play, some days.) She is dying to buy another wig. We discuss and re-discuss why this new wig will be no different from the one she dislikes, so she brings over the old one and ... Patrick wears it.

Then we hear the Porsche is running (a first since October) and we all run downstairs to the garage to congratulate our 19-year-old, Ethan. Patrick with the wig, Babka with no bra ... Ethan's mechanic friend nearly runs for cover. The carbon monoxide alarm goes off ...

Then it's dinnertime, and then I trim Babka's hair, because ... I want her to stop obsessing about hair and go home!

I must have got an hour or two in there somewhere, because the drapery and tattoo are painted in (I don't remember how!)

YET-TO-DO... on the painting

1. remove the remaining bit of robe, which is not covered by the mat I selected.

2. liven up the shadow side of the bench, which got miserably overworked because I have no clue what I want to see.

Tomorrow is another day at the fun-house.

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